Monday, May 2, 2011

no one is reading this....thats ok. I made it for my family, getting a taste of my own medicine

Ive been trying to get ride of stuff...i tell myself, "I CANT GET RID OF THAT CAUSE SOMEONE COULD USE IT" Im over that....fuck it....i threw a bunch of stuff out last night and today i saw a normal young guy going through the dumpster and he took ALL the clothes, hopefully the shoes too!!!! YAY!!!!

a few years ago i saw a video on the website of TEN31 Productions of two performers dressed as ROBOTS named Alpha and Omega, i thought it was the COOLEST thing ever....well, the other day i got to perform with them as one of them....another dream come true. I always feel so depressed after i achieve something....the idea and the dream is always better then the reality. but it was still AWESOME!!!!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Hey, Kurt! Who knew you were blogging since I never do! I don't know about you, but with an iphone, I'm rarely on the computer anymore. it. MIT. In drag! New place. All so great.

I just read a book that talks A LOT about that whole having the dream thing being more fulfilling than actually fulfilling the dream. Very much a part of the human condition. No worries for you though since I know you'll have some fabulous, outrageous dream lined up next.

Love you.